In 2012, after completing my sophomore year of college, I traveled to Spain to study abroad for a summer semester. My total stay in Spain lasted 7 weeks, and I took 3 classes at the University of Salamanca: Spanish Art, Contemporary Spanish History, and Advanced Spanish Language. All of the classes were taught completely in Spanish, as there were students from all over the world at this University and not everyone spoke English.
(flying into Madrid) |
I booked the study abroad program through AIFS (American Institute for Foreign Study). They made the trip as easy as can be, arranging every little thing to make it as stress-less as possible. There were even several excursions included where they brought us on tours around Spain and some other countries on weekends. This began with a weekend in London on our way into Europe. From there, the group flew together to Madrid, where we got to spend a day and a night touring the capital city.
(Playa Mayor, Madrid) |
Salamanca is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in Spain. The city center has almost no roads for cars and is made entirely of cobblestone. The University of Salamanca, founded in 1218, is the oldest and most renowned university in Spain.
(Plaza Mayor, Salamanca) |
From quiet, scenic parks to sit and study, to magically lit up plazas to get tapas and drinks with friends, Salmanca offers everything one needs for an incredible adventure of a study abroad semester.
(looking across the Tormes River at Salamanca and the cathedral) |
For weekends away from homework and studying, AIFS arranged trips to La Alberca, Segovia, Barcelona, and even Portugal! Our last weekend in Spain, a few friends and I organized a small trip up to San Sebastian as well.
I got to see a lot of northern Spain! Old towns, surfer towns, old castles, new churches, and more!
Spain taught me a lot. I got to be immersed in a language I had been studying for years and I improved immensely. I met a lot of amazing people, saw incredible sights and learned much more than I expected. I can't wait to return one day.
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