Boryeong Mud Festival

The Boryeong Mud Festival is one of the biggest and probably the most highly recommended festival in all of Korea. Although it's no longer "traditionally" focused and has been completely taken over by young adults (both Koreans AND foreigners), it is a crazy amount of fun. But, maybe I'm just saying that because I'm a young adult.

The festival happens over 8 days and is filled with a plethora of activities surrounding mud: giant mud pools or baths, mud wrestling, the blow-up mud slides and obstacle courses that you see below, colored mud painting, parades, fireworks and music shows.

This year, there was even a show of these jets, streaming colored smoke by the "Black Eagles".

The festival attracts thousands of people, plenty of which are photographers participating in the annual contest of who can take the best photos to capture the action, excitement and fun.

Of course the goal of the weekend for any participants is to get as muddy as possible. And with the perfect location right on the beach, everyone is able to hop in the ocean and wash of all the mud and then hop into one of the many public showers to rinse out the saltwater when you're finished for the day.

Getting muddy is fun, but taking pictures with our own cameras is difficult. Even those with fancy, protected Go Pros have smears of mud over the lens that make all attempts at pictures blurry. Regardless, it's fun to try. We were only there for the weekend, but we had plenty of time to enjoy the atmosphere, get dirty in the obstacle courses and, of course, thrown tons of mud at each other.


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