Christmas Class - 2015

Christmas is my favorite time of year. So of course, I brought the holiday into the classroom as soon as the holiday season rolled in. I set up a Christmas party class, the same as last year, on the days before Christmas for each of my grades. This school year, I have WAY more students than last. So this meant spending my entire Sunday baking 400 cookies and mixing up several sets of colors of icing to decorate them with. I spent hours with my after school class making decorations for fill the classroom with some Christmas spirit. All this work? TOTALLY worth it. I had so much fun, the kids had a blast and all around everyone enjoyed the week.

Same as last year, I tried to take as many pictures and videos during the classes as I could to compile a fun music video! Merry Christmas~!

I would begin each class teaching the kids a little bit about how we celebrate Christmas in the USA. In Korea, Christmas is celebrated as a "couples' holiday" (more similar to Valentine's Day), so many of the pictures I showed them were new and exciting to learn about.

Each student was given a worksheet to learn some words about Christmas in English (it is ENGLISH class after all). And then, everyone was given materials to make some Christmas cards! Most students made them for their parents, friends, or homeroom teachers, but many of favorites made a card for me!

Most of the 4th graders have trouble spelling my name... The silent 'e' is a little difficult for them.

While the rest of the class worked on making their Christmas cards, with my Korean co-teacher's supervision and occasional assistance, I would bring a small group of students at a time to the table at the back of the classroom. Here, they got to pick out their cookie and decorate it!

After finishing their cookie (each group was given 5 minutes to add their icing), the cookie was placed on a sheet by the window, so the sugar icing could dry. After the bell rang at the end of class, students were allowed to take their cookie and chow down!

I saw a lot of creative designs on the students' cookies! There were tons of Santa hats, Christmas trees, stockings and hearts, a bunch of funny or cute faces, and even a few more complicated designs like snowflakes or written greetings.

With some of the extra cookies, I got to decorate my own cookie with the last group at the end of each class! My co-teacher's kept sneaking in and eating them since they knew they were extra. Here are the 5 that survived to the end of the day so I could get a picture...


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