Winter Break 2016: China and Hong Kong

For this year's winter break, as soon as I finished up with my English camp, I flew off to China for a short, 5 day vacation. I flew into Beijing from Korea on Saturday afternoon and met my mom at the airport. I was so happy she agreed to visit me and take this trip together.

Lucky Family Hostel
During our time in Beijing, we stayed at Lucky Family Hostel. Normally, to be allowed entrance into China, you need to have applied for and paid for a visa ahead of time (and they're pretty expensive), but - there's a loophole! China has a policy, in order to accommodate people with long layovers, that allows "in transit" citizens from certain countries (USA included) to stay in the country for 72 hours without a visa. This means that you have to fly into China from another country, and then show your ticket proving that you'll be flying out again, within 72 hours, to a different country. Thankfully, China counts Hong Kong as a "different" country. So with a quick search of the cheapest tickets we could find from Korea to Beijing to Hong Kong and back to Korea, we were on our way!

The Great Wall of China - Jinshanling
The first full day we spent in Beijing, we took a day trip to see a remote section of the Great Wall. This is was one of my top 3 for places I most wanted to see in the entire world, so I was super stoked about it.
The Meridian Gate, to the Forbidden City
The second day in Beijing, we would be flying out in late evening, but we spent the morning and early afternoon exploring the city. We got to see the outside of the Forbidden City and walk around Tiananmen Square first. Then we took a long stroll through the Temple of Heaven complex.

The Temple of Heaven
We flew into Hong Kong at nearly midnight on our third day and rested up for a full 4th day of walking around the beautiful cities endless markets. Then we took a tram ride to the top of the famous peak to get a hazy view of the city from above.

Hong Kong from Victoria Peak


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