What's Hot in Hogye - Getting Started in My New City

This is my wonderful town of Hogye-dong, in the Buk-gu district of the city of Ulsan in South Korea. This is where I live and work, about a 35 minute bus ride north of the main downtown area of the city (at least on a good day when the traffic isn't bad). One of these days, I'll hike up onto the mountains in the background and get some better, more elevated pictures, so you can understand just how beautiful it is in this valley I live in. This is the side road that all the buses have to take to get into Hogye, or "Speed Bumb Road" as I've designated it. There's at least 15 speed bumps from start to finish. It was really annoying at first, but I've learned to appreciate it because now I can fall asleep on the bus on my way home without worrying about missing my stop because the bumps will always wake me up just as we're getting to Hogye. This is Hogye from afar, viewed from the crossing of the train tracks and "Speed Bump Ro...