Savannah, GA - Day 2, Tybee Island

2019 Road Trip, Stop #6 Savannah, GA Day 2 - Tybee Island To the east of Savannah, about a 25 minute drive from downtown is the Atlantic coast and BEACH on Tybee Island. On the northern end lies a few sight seeing spots! First is the Tybee Island Light Station (and museum), seen below. I didn't go into the museum, but the view from outside was great as well - especially in the beautiful weather that continues to follow me everywhere I go! Across from the lighthouse and parking lot for the beach is Fort Screven, which was built in 1899 and used for coastal defense until it was shut down in 1947. Now it stands as a historic site and museum and is open to tourists for an admission fee. If you continue walking north from the lighthouse, to the left of the fort, you'll find the entrance to "North Beach". The beach stretches the entire eastern front of the island and split into 3 sections: North Beach, Mid Beach, and South Beach. The entire length of the thre...