
Halloween is not celebrated in Korea except by the foreigners that live there and the Koreans that are dragged into it by them, so of course I planned a special Halloween party class for my students. Here I had the opportunity to teach them all about how we celebrate Halloween in the USA.

We got to play some Halloween themed games with candy as the prize, make paper jack-o-lanterns, and watch some Halloween music videos such as the "Monster Mash" and "This is Halloween".

The kids loved the surprise party class (and of course the candy). They were especially surprised to see me in my minion costume when they entered the classroom.

Since Halloween was lucky enough to be on a Friday, I got to go to a Halloween party at another foreign teacher friend's house and then from there we all went to a bar in old downtown called JJ's that was throwing their own Halloween party. Though the majority of people there were foreigners, I was surprised how many Koreans I saw that go dragged along by their foreigner friends to experience the celebration.


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