Day trip to Daegu

Daegu is the 4th largest city in Korea and only a 20 min KTX ride north of Ulsan. (of course it takes an hour and a half for me to GET to the KTX station...) One Sunday, a giant group of us decided to take a day trip to the giant city to go zip-lining at a ropes course that one in the group had heard good things about.

The time we were here was the peak of fall colors in the area and everything was gorgeous, not to mention the perfect fall temperature. It was chilly, but just enough that a sweater was enough to keep you warm: my favorite kind of weather.

The park was called Herb Hillz (yes, with a 'z') and it included many aspects in addition to the suspended ropes course including tons of gardens, a small zoo and a small amusement park.


Before we were allowed up in the trees, they had us go through a little practice course that was a few feet off the ground. The staff members don't go up into the trees with you like many zip-lining courses do, nor are they waiting at check points to move your safety harnesses over to the next clip, you get to do all of it yourself (after they teach you how to do it in Korean of course). It was actually a lot of fun in my opinion and I liked it better that way.


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