
Mid-November is the perfect season for hiking. The colors are beautiful. The weather is cool, and the sky is often clear. One weekend we decided to hike a mountain near the University in Mugeo-dong. When we started the hike, we thought we would be climbing Munsu Mountain, but when we got to the top, the sign read "Yeongchuksan". Little did we know you have to climb either over or around Yeongchuksan before you can get to Munsusan, so we decided to leave Munsusan for another day.

There were many trails covered Yeongchuksan, and one of them lead to this little pond surrounded by a boardwalk. We paused here for a little water break to rest and enjoy the view.

Noticed this little guys scurrying across the path and almost squashed him on accident.

The first view point from the mountain was great because you could see the whole city of Ulsan in the distance. (...or at least the downtown areas to the north and south of the river. Buk-gu and Dong-gu were too far east to be able to see from here.)

Balancing my camera on a log for a quick group photo when we were almost to the top. It was a good thing we stopped here too, because it turned out the top of the mountain had too many trees to have a good view of any sort.

The stone that marks the top of the mountain. A tiny marker for a tiny mountain. (at least, it was tiny in comparison to Gajisan and Sinbulsan)


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