
Since we were home away from home in a land without Thanksgiving day, I took it upon myself to make the holiday happen among our group of 8 friends. I found a $40 turkey at Costco and in my tiny apartment (with the actually decent sized kitchen), I spent an entire Saturday cooking a full Thanksgiving meal. It was my fist time cooking a whole, raw bird, my first time making stuffing, and my first time make gravy from scratch, but it all turned out delicious! Andrew was my assistant chef for the day (designated to cut things and help me keep an eye on whatever was cooking in my toaster oven at the time). The gang all brought a ton of wine and we spent the evening playing some games and eating the Thanksgiving meal with chopsticks! The complete menu: mashed potatoes, bread rolls, fried green beans, a ham steak, stuffing, turkey, gravy, and cornbread.