La Boheme - A Night at the Opera

Since it was Christmas time, we decided we wanted to do some sort of outing that would put us in the Christmas spirit. Originally we wanted to go see a performance of the nutcracker at Ulsan's Cultural Center, but when we tried to buy tickets we were told that the show was directed towards children and we wouldn't enjoy it. Instead, thanks to Andrew's research, we found this opera playing a few nights before.

The inside of the Cultural Center was gorgeous and the theater was huge and very fancy. We got seat way near the top because they were less than half the price of the ones below, but it was a plenty good enough spot for us regardless.

La Boheme is a love story set at Christmas time and all in Italian (they put Korean subtitles on screens on the side of the stage). With my combination knowledge of Spanish (which is very similar to Italian in many places), Korean (which I'm slow and, but could definitely pick out some words and verbs as they flashed across the subtitle screens), and of course the body language of the actors, I was able to understand just about everything that was going on in the play! It was a very unique and interesting experience.

Andrew and I went down do get a closer look at the stage and pit during the intermission and Lauren got a picture of us.

After the show, if you stuck around for a bit, they served snacks and wine. Even though we were planning to go to dinner afterwards, we gorged ourselves on the free food. Then we were even able to get a picture with the main actors! It was super exciting, they seemed very surprised and happy that foreigners had come to see their show.

As we were leaving, we got a group picture in front of the Christmas tree lights in front of the building.


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